Friday, July 27, 2012

Pure Stodge Touring Association Iowa Rally 2012

Finally finished processing and posting the Iowa Pure Stodge Rally photos on my Picasa account last night (a month after the fact).  The grass was pretty green then, unlike now in the middle of a drought.  My Pentax SLR was over exposing, but I had it setup to shoot both a raw DNG and JPG image.  The the desktop version of Picasa has some nice tools for cleaning up these sorts of problems quickly on DNGs and helped with color depth adjustments.  I have since changed my exposure over-ride, so hopefully I can get better initial JPG photos from now on.  Need to learn to shoot more without auto-focus and use the AV override mode to get things better, some old school tricks my Dad told me about which he uses to great success.  Sent link these photos to Autobahn Mary last night for use in the July Autobahn newsletter.