Monday, February 20, 2012

2012 GLMC Popcycle Derby

The photo below taken from outside Dempsey's Brewpub in Watertown before 2012 GLMC Popcycle Derby began this past Saturday.  There were 20 participants this year, which was a record.  The weather was a relatively balmy thirty some degrees.  As usual in GLMC events, all riders and volunteers were simply excellent.  That's my black Suzuki V-Strom in front of the trailer.

Dempsey's Brewpub before the Derby

This was the first year I was actually able participate by riding.  Last year the streets were too icy for my bikes (no studded tires) and I had to volunteer.  The time before that I tried to ride my GS to Watertown, got too cold near Brookings, and had to turn back home.

My organizational plan didn't work well for me.  I started with a perfect zero score at checkpoint #1, but quickly blew the next leg with 8 points at checkpoint #2 after failing to find a turn and then getting all twisted around.  That spilled over into being 12 minutes late for 12 more points at checkpoint #3 before lunch.  In hindsight, I should have just headed directly back to Dempsey's for lunch after checkpoint #2 when I read Dempsey's was the end point on card #3.

The afternoon went a little smoother with a total of 8 points for all three legs.  I only got slightly off track twice and got slowed down in Polar Bear Plunge traffic on South Shore Drive.

The top three riders amazingly had only three points total for all six legs, which resulted in using a tie breaker to determine the winner.

Final Score Card (click on it)

This type of rally was a lot tougher for me then I thought it would be.  Being my first of this type I learned a lot.  Next time, I'll make a few changes in how I do my calculations and mainly focusing harder on just following instructions and try to be more fluid in my decision making.

All and all, it was a pretty fun way to spend a Saturday in February.  

1 comment:

dburgfechtel said...

At least you did way better than 117. That person must have been super lost. haha.