Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Branson Blitz - Tuesday Day 1.5 - Summary

Pineville, MO.   Looking for road which we try to go down every year.  Found it but got off track and lost it. I think water might be low enough to do last ford this year too, its on my GS bucket list.  Hopefully I can get Loyd and Eric to go back later. 

Hit a lot of alphabet and no names roads, paved and some not paved.  Wondering if I went down on one stretch if any one would find me this week.  Ended up down in Gateway, AR before working my way back to Eagle Rock.  Better roads and even the old Beaver one-lane wood bridges.  Everyone knows how much I love rickety old bridges.

It was a nice day to be out wandering without a map.  Feeling guilty about having such a nice day while not being home to help with our sick pet.

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